Training Resources
Shop Owners and Technician Training
ASCCA has resources and training information on business management and technical training to keep your technicians up to date and enhance your overall business. ASCCA and our corporate partners offer a number of training, education, and member benefits that can help you operate a more profitable business.
In addition, ASCCA also provides information on the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) Licensing and other BAR testing information. Technicians can not repair a failed smog with a Repair Only License. To receive the Repair Only License, an individual must take and pass the BAR test. ASCCA offers members study and reference material for the BAR test:
Repair Only License Study Handbook - This handbook includes the exam plan which provides the proportional breakdown of the exam, as well as the detailed knowledge and abilities covered by the exam. Study should focus on the highest percentage of questions.
Smog Check Procedures Manual & Smog Check Reference Guide - These two documents are very important because 21% of the Repair Only License exam covers non-repair items.
Management Training
Technical Training
Shop Owners & Technicians Education Resources
At ASCCA we believe in promoting excellence and professionalism within the automotive service industry. We do this through education, training, corporate partners, and ASCCA member resources. Many independent shop owners turn to ASCCA to improve their management skills, enhance their technical training, train their technicians on the latest equipment and automotive technology, and grow their shop’s profit.