Posted on 9/12/2022

The 2022 legislative session ended late Thursday night, August 31. The Governor has until September 30 to sign or veto bills on his desk. Below is a list of key bills we tracked this year. We will continue to monitor bills on Governor's desk and report. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Jack Molodanof Legislative Bills Catalytic Converter Theft Bills - Concerns AB 1740 – Requires core recyclers who accept converters from commercial enterprise, which includes auto repair dealers, to obtain the following from seller: name, business address and phone, business license or tax ID, date of sale, number of converters sold, amount of money and written agreement to be kept for two years. Status: Governor’s Desk. SB 1087 - Requires core recyclers who accept converters from seller to obtain and maintain written records, including name, date ... read more
Posted on 8/14/2020

Jack Molodanof, ASCCA legislative advocate, shares state laws that have potential to create issues and concerns for California shop owners if they are unaware of them.Employee Abandoned Tools. Auto repair shops have certain legal responsibilities and obligations regarding the abandoned tools left by an employee. Employers need to protect themselves from future liability if the employee demands return of his/her tools. Generally, under California Civil code sections 2080 -2080.10, if owner has not claimed the property, the person saving the property shall within a reasonable time turn property over to the police department of the city or county, or the sheriff’s department. Recording Telephone Calls. Auto repair shops cannot record telephone conversations with customers unless advance consent is obtained. It is illegal for any person by means of any instrument to record a telephone conversation without the consent o ... read more
Posted on 2/16/2018

A LITTLE TIME AND MONEY SPENT UPFRONT CAN HELP SHOPS AVOID BIG NON-COMPLIANCE FINES DOWN THE ROAD BY: DICK DELOACH Originally published in Parts and People Nick Modesti, General Manager of Modesti’s Car Care Center, in Culver City, Says He Has Worked With Dave Fischer of California Employer’s Services for Several Years, Who Always Makes Sure the Shop Is Cal/OSHA Compliant. Fresno, Calif.—Everyone who works in California — as a shop owner or employee — is subject to the regulations set forth by the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), also known as Cal/OSHA. According to a recent report from the Lab ... read more
Posted on 2/3/2018

Every year, hundreds of new laws are enacted that impact California automotive repair shops. Below is a short summary/highlights of some key measures that will take effect in 2018, unless otherwise noted. Minimum Wage Increase Reminder that effective January 1, 2018, the minimum wage for employers with 26 or more employees will increase to $11.00 per hour. The minimum wage for employers with 25 or fewer employees will increase to $10.50. (SB 3 of 2017) Smog Check Exemption This new law extends the exemption for performing vehicle smog check inspections from 6 years to 8 years. Exempted vehicle owners will pay $25.00 annual abatement fee (AB 1274) Mobile Automobile Repair These BAR regulations will require mobile automotive operators to display in any advertisement, the name, telephone number and BAR registration number ... read more
Posted on 2/3/2018

ASCCA MEMBERS, PLEASE SEE THE MESSAGE BELOW REGARDING EPA 609 CERTIFICATION FROM OUR CORPORATE PARTNER AUTOZONE: Be aware of upcoming changes to R134a purchases. The EPA has recently mandated that purchases of R134a items, with a volume greater than 2 lbs., will be regulated by section 609 of the EPA Clean Air Act, beginning January 1st, 2018. This applies to any single item that has a volume over 2 lbs., but is primarily regarding 30 lb. cylinders of R134a. This regulation requires that any individual purchasing this item have a 609 certification from an EPA approved certifying company. A list of these approved companies can be found at We at AutoZone have found it easiest to work with MACS (Mobile Air Conditioning Society), ESCO Institute or Mainstream Engine ... read more