Posted on 3/12/2024

Below is the legislative and regulatory update summary. We will continue to review, monitor and report. Legislation Vehicle Batteries SB 615 –Electric Batteries – Concerns. Requires an automotive repair dealer that removes a battery from a vehicle that is still in service to participate in a core exchange program established by the battery supplier and be responsible for either returning a removed battery to the battery supplier or sending it to a qualified facility. Status: Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee. Employment AB 518 - Paid Family leave – Concerns. Expands the definition of “family member” for purposes of the Paid Family Leave Program to allow workers to take time off to care for a seriously ill designated person. Status: Senate Ina ... read more
Posted on 1/22/2024

NEW CALIFORNIA LAWS FOR 2024 Every year, hundreds of new laws are enacted that impact California automotive repair dealers. Below is a brief summary of some of the key measures, in no particular order, that take effect January 1, 2024, unless otherwise noted. Minimum Wage Increase. Reminder that effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will increase to $16.00 per hour for all employers regardless of size, based on a cost-of-living provision in the state minimum wage law. (SB 3 of 2017). Please note that local minimum wage ordinances may be higher. BAR Citation and Fine Regulations. Effective July 1, 2024, BAR may issue a citation and levy a fine against an automotive repair dealer (ARD) of up to $5,000 for each citation. Violations include, among other things, improper estimates, invoices, authorizations, deviation from trade standards, misleading advertising and guarantees and improper record retention. An ARD may ... read more
Posted on 10/12/2023

ASCCA is encouraging members to support the California Chamber of Commerce "Hit the Pause" campaign on several employment bills. The link provided below is simple and fast: Hit the Pause website link: ACT NOW link: The specific bills addressed in this campaign are as follows: AB 524 (Wicks); dramatically expands family caregiver status, increasing employment costs and potential litigation against CA employers; SB 365 (Wiener); increases employer defense litigatio ... read more
Posted on 10/9/2023

Industry Events; Member Profile: tekmetric; Legislative Update; Member News & Updates; Welcome New Members; Upcoming Events and Meetings; Donations & Scholarships Read More
Posted on 9/12/2022

The 2022 legislative session ended late Thursday night, August 31. The Governor has until September 30 to sign or veto bills on his desk. Below is a list of key bills we tracked this year. We will continue to monitor bills on Governor's desk and report. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Jack Molodanof Legislative Bills Catalytic Converter Theft Bills - Concerns AB 1740 – Requires core recyclers who accept converters from commercial enterprise, which includes auto repair dealers, to obtain the following from seller: name, business address and phone, business license or tax ID, date of sale, number of converters sold, amount of money and written agreement to be kept for two years. Status: Governor’s Desk. SB 1087 - Requires core recyclers who accept converters from seller to obtain and maintain written records, including name, date ... read more