The ASCCA has established a fund to enhance our advocacy with the state legislature (e.g., legislative advocate’s travel, ASCCA’s annual legislative day lobbying, Government Affairs Committee initiatives). The committee’s efforts have had a huge impact and continue to protect the independent automotive aftermarket from legislation that have negatively impacted our members and small business owners all throughout the state.
A special thank you to Mitch Mendenhall who coordinated the following donations from Chapter 24, as well as multiple donations made in honor of Jeff Stich.
Thank you to all of the donors to the ASCCA Legislative Advocacy Fund. Your contributions have already made a difference!
To learn more about all of the great work that the Government Affairs Committee does to help your business read below:
Advocacy Fund
The ASCCA has established a new Advocacy Fund and we can really use your support. The Advocacy Fund is a special dedicated fund that will be used to further ASCCA’s Legislative Advocacy efforts. The funds will only be used for these Legislative Advocacy purposes. The ASCCA Government Affairs Committee studies every piece of legislation, recommends positions on legislation and takes action on behalf of the independent automotive aftermarket industry. ASCCA’s trials, tribulations and, most of all, our successes include, but are not limited to:
- Standardized PO Codes
- Right to Information Act – SB 1148
- Tire Inflation Legislation
- Super Warranty Defeated
- Drafting Smog Check Regulations
- Defeating Trevor Law Group
- Representation on BAR Advisory Group
- Support of Career Technical Education
- Changing BAR Disciplinary Process
- Provided Key Amendments to AB 2289 – Smog Check Program Legislation
- SB 750 Veto – BMW Key Information Access
- Reinstitution of Annual Legislative Days
- Influenced Brake Pad Legislation; Timeframe for Full Implementation Extended
With the ASCCA’s campaign and legislative efforts, our connections with legislators and the BAR has been strengthened. Our efforts don’t just stop there. ASCCA was a founding partner of the National Automotive Service Task Force (NASTF), the only state association to do this. Our own Past President, Allen Pennebaker is now Chair of NASTF. ASCCA is proud to help NASTF further its mission to “facilitate the identification and correction of gaps in the availability and accessibility of automotive service information, training, diagnostic tools and equipment, and communications to automotive service professionals.”
ASCCA has been fortunate to be represented for many years by an excellent legal and lobbying firm, Jack Molodanof, Esq. In 2008, ASCCA reinstituted legislative days. The advocacy fund will allow us the ability to expand this important annual event, which truly makes a difference.
In order to further our efforts legislatively and expand our participation in key legislative meetings, BAR Committees and expand representing our unique perspective on national issues such as telematics, the ASCCA Board of Directors established the Advocacy Fund, with a goal of raising $30,000 in contributions.
We have done so much, but can do so much more! Your contribution will help us further our reach by funding volunteer travel to key meetings in which we can make a difference for the automotive aftermarket industry and expand our Legislative Day. Please consider contributing to the Advocacy Fund. You can make a difference!